Saturday, August 15, 2009

My first time

I have thought about doing this for awhile now, but I don't like unfinished things, and I was afraid that I would get started and then I wouldn't keep up with it. But here goes a try.

I have had a rough week. I have been losing patience with the kids and I find myself counting the days until they go to school. I love them a lot, but I have not really enjoyed this week with them in general. However, I am so thankful to God for giving me those special little moments even amongst the craziness of having three little ones!

One of those special times was with Alexa who is 6, and getting ready to start first grade, we had a "girls night" last night. We went to Target & Wal Mart for some essentials and school supplies, picked up a movie, and some sugarless gum, which was one of her highlights! We got our snacks ready and got into my bed to watch, Hotel for Dogs, and throughout the movie she just kept saying, "I love you, Mommy" actually throughout the whole evening she would say this.

I am close to my parents, especially my mom, but I did not grow up saying, "I love you" to anyone. We only really said it when someone was traveling, or if someone was sick, having surgery, or something like that. Wade and I have always told each other we love each other a lot, throughout the day. Always on the phone, whenever we walk out the door, this is what Alexa age 6 is expressing. I love that! In fact our 23 month old, Emma already says, "I love you" at bedtime and when someone is leaving the house.

So when I think about the Lord, it makes me want to just be telling God, "I love you" all the time. I am learning priceless lessons from my 6, 5, and almost 2 year old. I want to love God how they love me. He loves me so much more than they do. Throughout scripture, He demonstrates His love for me.

I struggle sometimes with loving Wade more than God. Not in my mind, but with my actions. I really want to love God first every day above all things. I pray that is your desire.

So with a rough week, God shows Himself through many blessings, lots of laughs, priceless memories, and countless trials.