Saturday, October 24, 2009

In Sickness & In Health

Once upon a time there was a girl and a boy who had fallen in love and got married. They had both gotten teaching jobs at a Christian school in the area, one working upstairs and one working downstairs. Almost immediately in the marriage, the girl became sick from migraines and colds to kidney infections. The girl was used to being waited upon hand and foot because that is how she was treated as a child, but the boy was not accustomed to this kind of treatment and had a difficult time taking care of the girl like she wanted. There were many tears shed and many a harsh word said that first year of marriage. There was such a misunderstanding of what each one was to do when these types of things happened. Through it all though they did continue to pray together and they did learn to communicate and share difficult things with each other. Their marriage grew so much that first year through all the sickness and through all the sad times.

As the years have gone on, the boy has grown in love for the girl and the girl has grown to love the boy more. There are times still that the girl will ask the boy to do something that the boy will visibly look annoyed at, and the girl will get her feelings hurt, but overall their marriage has grown in leaps and bounds. The girl tries to not place expectations on the boy and the boy has tried to love the girl as Christ loves the church.

They are not perfect, but they do love each other a lot. For some reason the girl has had numerous illnesses and things happen to her body that have caused her to not be able to function well all the time, but the boy has not had many ailments at all in their ten years of marriage. The girl sees the boy as a strong leader, because he is usually healthy and able to take care of her and now their three children. She looks up to him because he loves God and spends time talking aloud to Him, he makes it a priority to read God's word and to teach his family about God's love. The girl loves the boy very much and would do anything for the boy, but lately has felt too weak or tired to do anything special for the boy.

The only thing the girl could thing of to do for the boy was to write this and say thank you.

Thank you Wade for loving me for who I am, for knowing my ins and outs and still loving me. You give me a small example of how much God loves me, if He knows my every thought and action and yet still loves me the same. You daily show me God's love, thank you for being patient with me and for understanding me as much as you can!!! You are my best friend, and I still cannot believe that God has allowed me to be with you on earth--you are amazing!!!